HEFI 2020

The HEFI 2020 project aims to get the future hungarian professionals acquainted with the tuscan methodology of children education, thus improving the quality of the professional help given to people belonging to ethnical minorities and their children as well.

PROGRAM: Erasmus+ Mobility for learners and staff in vocational education

CODE: 2020-1-HU01-KA102-078207

BUDGET: 126.676 €

TOPIC 2018

The overall goal of TOPIC 2018 is to improve the students’ professional and social competences, in order to provide them better chances in the labour market at local and EU level as well.

PROGRAM: Erasmus+ Mobility for learners and staff in vocational education and training

CODE: 2018-1-HU01-KA102-047442

BUDGET: 121,970.00 €

ED.IT 2018

The project focused on the Multicultural Education of Children aged between 0 and 3- The main objective of this project was to modernize and improve the professional training of young children’s educator’s quality in the perspective of multiculturalism and inclusion.

PROGRAM: Erasmus+

CODE: 2018-1-HU01-KA102-047362

BUDGET: 64.594 €


EDUCHILD – Education in Multicultural Context for Early Childhood was an Erasmus+ transnational mobility project for students and staff in vocational education and training. The project focused on the Multicultural Education of Children aged 0-3 (ECEC – Early Child Education and Care). The project coordinator was Galileo Progetti Nonprofit Ltd.

PROGRAM: Erasmus+

CODE: 2017-1-HU01-KA102-035581

BUDGET: 53,410 €

M.I.T.O. 2016

The aim of the project was to promote the mobility of teachers and students in Italy and Hungary in order to exchange new skills and good practices in a European perspective.

PROGRAM: Erasmus+

CODE: 2016-1-HU01-KA102-022482

BUDGET: 32,496 €

CIE 2016

This project focused the attention on the mobility in the work, in particular in the field of early childhood education, aims to develop key competencies of future childhood educators by following the principles of inclusive education, in line with european directives.

PROGRAMME: Mobilitation Projects

CODE: 2016-1-HU01-KA102-022728

BUDGET: 46.512 €


This project provided future nurses and social workers an opportunity to complement their professional knowledge gained during vocational training with experience gained in a modern, well-equipped, high-quality environment in an Italian facility.

PROGRAMME: Mobilitation Projects

CODE: 14/KA1VET/365

BUDGET: 39.879 €

FAN 2013

This project provided a good possibility for nurses workers in Hungarian “crèche”s to get familiar in practice with the professional and educational program developed by ARCA and PEGASO

PROGRAM: Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility

CODE: LdV-HU-13-PLM-2028

BUDGET: 27.680 €

E.SZ.SZ.O. 2013

E.SZ.SZ.O was a project that provided professional training in Italy for foreigners’ nurses and social attendants.

PROGRAM: Leonardo Da Vinci

CODE: 2013-1-HU1-LEO01-09830

BUDGET: 36.110 €

EPIC 2011

The aim of this project is to build a long-term partnership that enables partners to get to know each other’s experiences and practices in the field of nursing and integrated education of infants, children and young adults with special needs.

PROGRAM: Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility

CODE: LdV-HU-11-IVT-1032

BUDGET: 24.130 €