Duration: 2016.09.01. – 2019.08.31.

The project C.I.E. – Competencies of Inclusive Education – is a project regarding the mobility in the work, in particular in the field of early childhood  education, which aims to develop key competencies of future childhood educators by following the principles of inclusive education, in line with european directives. Students and teachers take part in a training process that ends with a period of mobility in Italy/Germany.

Duration: 12 month (September2016).

Project it’s going to involve: 3 country (Italy, Hungary, Germany); 6 organizations(Galileo Progetti Nonprofit Kft., of Budapest, coordinator; Örökmozgó Közhasznú Egyesület , of Budapest, secondary and vocational school; BVHSZC Raoul Wallenberg Szakközépiskolája, of Budapest, secondary and vocational school; Miskolci Szakképzési Centrum Ferenczi Sándor Egészségügyi Szakközépiskolája, vocational school; Formazione 80, based in Turin, in Italy, host organization; Fortschritt GmbH, based in Niederpöcking, in Germany, host organization);

18 hungarianstudentsof”EarlyChildhoodEducation”ofWallenbergschool and Ferenczischool,mobile for 5 weeks at nurseries in Piedmont and in Bavaria; 8 hungarianteachersin a study visit to the Italian and German partner organizations;2 teachers trainees careers.


-Budapesti Vendéglátóipari és Humán Szakképzési Centrum Raoul Wallenberg Szakközépiskolája és Szakiskolája (Hungary)

-Örökmozgó Közhasznú Egyesület (Hungary)

-Ferenczi Sándor Egészségügyi Szakközépiskolája (Hungary)

-Associazione Formazione 80 (Italy)

-FortSchritt gGmbh (Germany)