Duration: 01/08/2016 –  31/07/2017

M.I.T.O. (Mobility in Tuscany) was a 12-month project funded by the Erasmus + Programme, KA 1, which included the following actions:

• a 5-week internship for 18 Hungarian nurses and carers at ROSALIBRI’s elderly care facility, accompanied by 3 Hungarian teachers
• a study-visit to Tuscany for 6 Hungarian teachers
• a visit to Hungary for 2 ARCA/ROSALIBRI operators

The objectives of teacher mobility were to offer the possibility of studying another European context through the training material provided by the host institution.

The objectives of student mobility were manifold. The internship will allow students to observe new working methods in new contexts and develop their professional skills and competences. Experiences in a foreign language environment also contributed to the development of personal skills, to the achievement of a high level of autonomy in work and lifestyle.

The objective of the project was to increase European mobility by organising mobility for students and teachers, allowing the exchange of experience and good practice, mutual learning, learning of different cultures, thus offering partners and participants a European perspective.


-Miskolci SZC Ferenczi Sándor Egészségügyi Szakgimnáziuma

-BVHSZC Kanizsay Dorottya Szakképző Iskolája

-ARCA Cooperativa Sociale