Duration: 1/08/2018 – 31/07/2020

The aim is for future nurses and social nurses to complement their experience gained in the home vocational training with work experiences achieved in another European country, within their own field of expertise, in a modern institution providing high level services and modern equipment, and to develop their professional, personal and language competencies.

The overall objective of the TOPIC project is to promote students’ professional and personal competency development in order to support the labor market opportunities, and to support the professional development of vocational training staff in order to improve and modernize the quality of the training, by the training offering with an even greater matching of labor market needs, thus bringing the world of training and work of work closer. It is a fundamental objective to contribute to the EU’s objective of enhancing European mobility, enabling exchanges of experiences and good practices, mutual learning, knowledge of different cultures for learners and staff, thereby giving a European perspective to partners and participants and a European dimension to training institutions’ training offerings.


 -ARCA Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)

-Kaposvári SZC Szigeti-Gyula János Egészségügyi Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája (Hungary)

-Kanizsay Dorottya Katolikus Gimnázium, Egészségügyi Szakközépiskola és Szakgimnázium (Hungary)

-Miskolci SZC Ferenczi Sándor Egészségügyi Szakgimnáziuma (Hungary)