Duration: 2011.08.01. – 2013.07.31.

The main objective of ALL INCLUSIVE PROJECT is to build a long-term partnership that enables partners to get to know each other’s experiences and practices in the field of nursing and integrated education of infants, children, and young adults with special needs to permit them social inclusion.

During the past decade, the migration of those working with children with special needs have grown within Europe, but this happens without any control of their qualification and professional experiences. From this point of view, it would be critical that these people also have special training focusing on output competencies determining their positive inclusive approach.

In this project we analysed data concerning the practice of inclusive-type education in the partner countries, the factors enhancing or hindering its use, the most successful methods, and possible resolutions of the obstacles. The knowledge acquired in this study were, one hand, direct applied in the everyday work of the participating partners, on other hand it served as a basis for the elaboration of an ECVET LdV DOI program, which was the long-term objective of this project.


-Örökmozgó Közhasznú Egyesület (Hungary)

-Cooperativa Sociale Arca (Italy)

-FORTSCHRITT Konduktives Förderzentrum gemeinnützige gGmbH (Germany)

-Asociatia “Credem ca sunt importanti” (Romania)

-NBDN National Business Development Network (Bulgaria)

-Pegaso Network della Cooperazione Sociale Toscana (Italy)