Pedagogical Kit for practitioners consists of a toolbox whose main objective is to help professionals to develop practical skills, through the provision of structured and innovative strategies and activities, seeking to help their skills gaps in intervention through art, as a non formal education strategy. We also intend to explore the methodology of building life projects, facilitating the transfer of skills developed by people with disabilities and people with mental illness in order to facilitate their social inclusion and in learning activities. The Pedagogical Kit for practitioners will consist of tools and activities from all partner countries, thus creating a toolbox with a European dimension, containing influence from various social and cultural contexts.

EU-SELF Project Book


Social and emotional skills development in early childhood education and care in Europe


Project Book

EU-SELF Programs


Social and emotional skills development in early childhood education and care in Europe


Programs for Social and Emotional Skills Development for Early and Preschool Children Applied in European Countries


EU-SELF European Countries Overview


Social and emotional skills development in early childhood education and care in Europe


European Countries Overview
Social and Emotional development for children aged 0 to 7 years old


READ Final Publication

Fostering of literacy competences plays a key role in promoting social cohesion and reducing economic
and social disparities. Quality ECE lays the foundations for later success in life in terms of education, well-being, employability, and social integration, and is especially important for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. In 5 of the 7 partner countries the average percentage of early leavers is higher than the EU average. Only Belgium and the enlargement country Bosnia and Herzegovina have better scores. At least 4 of the 7 partner countries (no data from BiH) have scores below the OECD average in the Pisa2019 Reading test. This READ project fully meets the needs of the EU to modernize and improve the quality of early education, increase key competences, and professional development of teachers and educators, also thanks to international cooperation and exchange of good practices. The methodology of the project is based on mutual learning between partners and the exchange of good practices. This has been realised through short-term joint staff training activities organised in each partner country. The goal of the project was to compose an international collection of good practices that support the development of basic reading skills before the actual learning to read process begins. The training activities all focussed on the observation of development activities of literacy competences for pre-school children, and of the reading activities in primary school. For this purpose, a uniform observation scheme was developed to observe the good practices, services offered, and the quality of teaching and training materials. Additionally, the trainings created interesting opportunities to collect data and exchange about the social, cultural and educational contexts, strategies, policies, involved stakeholders (public and/or private). Each country also conducted a literacy competence survey for educators, teachers and parents. A summary of each survey, as well as the observation results are included in this publication.

READ Literacy Survey Report

READ project 2019

1 HU01 KA201 061099
KA2 Strategic
Partnerships for school education Exchange of Good Practices

Summarization of Questionnaires for literacy competences survey

FULL LIFE Final Publication

The FULL LIFE Project, co-financed by Erasmus+ Program, allowed the exchange of
good practices and mutual professional enrichment between organisations and experts working for
the development and inclusion of people with physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments.
The project fully corresponds and contributes to the achievement of the European Disability
Strategy 2010-2020, which paved the way to a barrier-free Europe and to empower persons with
disabilities so they can enjoy their rights and participate fully in society and economy, and of the
Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030, aiming to ensure that all persons with
disabilities in Europe enjoy their human rights, have equal opportunities, equal access to participate
in society and economy, are able to decide where, how and with whom they live, move freely in the
EU regardless of their support needs and no longer experience discrimination.

NET-WORKS Country Report

This country report collects the information on work-based adult education providers in Hungary, Ireland, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovacchia. The document analyzes the consistency with EU and international policy, networking and funding, and challenge and recommendations.

ART & INCLUSION Good Practices

Summary of good practices of artistic and cultural activities, in the context of non-formal adult education, which have facilitated the development of the skills of persons with disabilities and persons with mental health problems and contributed to their social inclusion process, including the process of re-entering into the labour market and short description of the national context regarding the social inclusion and the national strategies and policies.

I.ECEC Final Publication

Globalisation and migration paved the way for an increased cultural diversity in today’s societies. This societal change entails challenges for educators and teachers in (pre)schools. The increasing pluralism, in particular multiculturalism with its linguistic and cultural diversity is raising the need for a customized curriculum within Early Childhood Education and Care services (ECEC). Especially, new knowledge, evidence informed tools and good practices in order to accommodate and accompany the growth of all children. Therefore, the aim of this final publication is to summarize the purposes, methods, findings and good practices of the project Intercultural Early Childhood Education and Care Curriculum Design for Professionals (I.ECEC) for educative professionals, practitioners and high school students. This compilation implies several activities covering both national (partner countries) and international (EU) levels, namely: literature review, data collection, analysis and description of the good practices regarding ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) in intercultural perspective.
The first chapter concerns an introduction regarding the importance of the Intercultural Early Childhood Education and Care project with reference towards its predecessor the Multicultural Early Childhood Education project. A systematic literature review revealed a major gap in the literature regarding social inclusion in intercultural early childhood education. Therefore, it was interesting to concretize the knowledge and good practices about this topic in order to contribute to the work field of educators and practice oriented scientific research. Afterwards, the research methodology is discussed in the second chapter. The final publication has an exploratory character that aims to understand and foster dealing with social inclusion of disadvantaged children. In order to obtain an answer to this question, action research as a participatory way of doing research were chosen. Both is explained next to the research design; data collection; respondents; and data analysis. The good practices and research findings is discussed in the four consecutive modules in order to answer the main question, namely Module 1: Complex and Diverse Societies; Module 2: Diversity in ECEC-Services; Module 3: Inclusion and Participation; Module 4: Flexible Practice, Innovation and Transformation. The core of this final project; the initial results and suggestions for further projects is finally compiled in the conclusion.
In addition, we developed a teacher’s manual in particular for the implementation of the good practices in own educational practice.