Duration: 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026
Be Unit is a young-centered project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme, that wants to involve 45 young people – aged between 18 and 25 years old – in the design and organisation of an International Festival of Short Films. At the same time, the audiovisual language will become a useful tool for initiating an action of youth advocacy, intended as a form of activism aimed at bringing the voices, needs, and ideas of the new generations to the attention of local, national, and European institutions.
The project will include the organisation of a wide range of activities, among them:
- An international training programme addressed at 45 young people with the main goal of providing various skills related to the audiovisual domain and to the organisation of the Festival.
- Various online workshops focused on specific subareas of the Festival organisation (i.e., Artistic Direction, Communication and Promotion, Logistics).
- The drafting of a call aimed at gathering and selecting the different short films, the organisation of the Festival, and the related OFF local events.
- The gathering of the young people’s needs and ideas and co-drafting of a document named “Appeal” that will be presented to the local, national and European Institutions during the final Brussels event.
- Cooperativa Orso (Turin – Italy);
- Epica Film (Turin – Italy);
- Galileo Progetti Non-profit (Budapest – Hungary);
- Pour la Solidarité (Bruxelles – Belgium).