Net-Works – D 4.2.1 Guidebook on External Communication

Il principale obiettivo della “Guidebook on external communication for work-based adult education providers” (Deliverable 4.2.1) è quello di fornire alle imprese del settore sociale (WISEs, NGO, imprese sociali, associazioni, fondazioni, networks) linee guida e consigli utili che possano aiutarle a migliorare la loro strategia comunicativa o a svilupparne una nuova.

PROGRAMMA: ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME | KA3: Support for policy reforms

CODICE: 621524-EPP-1-2020-1-BE-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

BUDGET: 513.000 €


L’obiettivo principale del Final Report del progetto ART & INCLUSION è quello di riassumere, mettere insieme e descrivere l’appropriazione degli scambi e l’impatto del processo di apprendimento in ogni organizzazione partner e partecipante.

PROGRAMMA: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for adult education

CODICE: 2020-1-PT01-KA204-078809

BUDGET: 186.752 €

Net-Works MOOC

Vai al MOOC I Partner del Progetto Net-Works sono lieti di annunciare che il MOOC è pronto! L’obiettivo principale del MOOC gratis “Networks of work-based adult education providers capacity building” è quello di contribuire alla creazione di nuove reti nazionali e/o regionali di fornitori di formazione lavorativa per adulti, sostenendo lo sviluppo di reti più […]


“Pedagocical Kit for practitioners” consiste in una serie di strumenti utili ad aiutare professionisti a sviluppare le proprie skills, attraverso la messa a disposizione di strategie ed attività innovative e strutturate, che cercano di aiutare a colmare la mancanza di alcune skill attraverso l’arte, come forma di educazione non formale. Cerchiamo anche di esplorare la metodologia della creazione di progetti di vita, semplificando il trasferimento di skills sviluppate da persone con disabilità e persone con problemi di salute mentale, con l’obiettivo di facilitare la loro inclusione sociale e il loro accesso alle attività educative. Il “Pedagogical Kit for practitioners” consisterà in una serie di strumenti ed attività da tutti i paesi partner, creando quindi una sorta di “toolbox” con una dimensione Europea, che sia caratterizzata da diversi contesti sociali e culturali.

EU-SELF Project Book


Social and emotional skills development in early childhood education and care in Europe


Project Book

EU-SELF Programs


Social and emotional skills development in early childhood education and care in Europe


Programs for Social and Emotional Skills Development for Early and Preschool Children Applied in European Countries


EU-SELF European Countries Overview


Social and emotional skills development in early childhood education and care in Europe


European Countries Overview
Social and Emotional development for children aged 0 to 7 years old


READ Literacy Survey Report

READ project 2019

1 HU01 KA201 061099
KA2 Strategic
Partnerships for school education Exchange of Good Practices

Summarization of Questionnaires for literacy competences survey

READ Final Publication

Fostering of literacy competences plays a key role in promoting social cohesion and reducing economic
and social disparities. Quality ECE lays the foundations for later success in life in terms of education, well-being, employability, and social integration, and is especially important for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. In 5 of the 7 partner countries the average percentage of early leavers is higher than the EU average. Only Belgium and the enlargement country Bosnia and Herzegovina have better scores. At least 4 of the 7 partner countries (no data from BiH) have scores below the OECD average in the Pisa2019 Reading test. This READ project fully meets the needs of the EU to modernize and improve the quality of early education, increase key competences, and professional development of teachers and educators, also thanks to international cooperation and exchange of good practices. The methodology of the project is based on mutual learning between partners and the exchange of good practices. This has been realised through short-term joint staff training activities organised in each partner country. The goal of the project was to compose an international collection of good practices that support the development of basic reading skills before the actual learning to read process begins. The training activities all focussed on the observation of development activities of literacy competences for pre-school children, and of the reading activities in primary school. For this purpose, a uniform observation scheme was developed to observe the good practices, services offered, and the quality of teaching and training materials. Additionally, the trainings created interesting opportunities to collect data and exchange about the social, cultural and educational contexts, strategies, policies, involved stakeholders (public and/or private). Each country also conducted a literacy competence survey for educators, teachers and parents. A summary of each survey, as well as the observation results are included in this publication.