STEPS – Intercultural Education and Social Mediation as tools for the Social Inclusion of Roma and Refugee Children and Adolescents
Duration: 30/12/2022 – 29/12/2024
The overall objective of STEPS project are to promote the social and scholar inclusion of Roma and refugees children and adolescents, through the capacity building of teachers, educators, social workers and other professionals and organizations working in this field, as well as to provide knowledge and innovative practices on intercultural and inclusive education, reducing of early school leaving.
The project includes the exchange of good practices, and learning-teaching activities are planned will take place in each of the 3 partner countries. Form these learning activities will emerge the handbook for professionals to share innovative intervention in the field.
Partners will create a set of training tools in e- learning format, interactive and based on multimedia supports and materials, contributing to the development of instruments and mechanisms to promote intercultural education and European common values and capacity building of participants through the dissemination.
-Centro Social de Soutelo (Portugal) – coordinator
– Galileo Progetti Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary)
– ARCA Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)
– Delegação Gondomar Valongo da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Portugal)